The University of Iowa Pentacrest Museums (UIPM) are made up of two museums found on the University’s iconic, central location: the Pentacrest. The UI Museum of Natural History and the Old Capitol Museum serve to enhance our institutional focus on cultural and environmental diversity, supporting the greater campus educational, research, arts, and engagement missions.
The UI Museum of Natural History inspires in visitors of all ages an understanding and a sense of wonder, discovery, respect, and responsibility for our natural and cultural worlds through exhibits, educational programs, and collections, as well as through linkages with UI research and activities. Collections include approximately 140,000 specimens, objects, and artifacts.
The Old Capitol Museum educates the university, local, and national communities on the continuing significance of the humanities. An invigorated and distinguished building, the Old Capitol serves as a center of culture and civic discourse for the State of Iowa, through public outreach initiatives, educational programming, exhibitions, and academic scholarship.
Under the administration of a team of UIPM specialists, the UI Museum of Natural History and the Old Capitol Museum strengthen the vital role of campus museums, collections, and archives with dedication to historic preservation, object-based learning, and access to experiential opportunity.